Management Ideas
We organize Business Management Workshops for various firms. Our objective here is to place before Business Houses in North East, the latest management ideas and tips coming out from leading voices internationally in the field of management like Harvard, McKinsey, MIT Solan School of Management, Boston Consulting Group etc. and also help firms implement them.
The following are a few specific activities
– Management Workshops
– Consultancy for implementing Performance Management
– Workflow Software

Skill Gap
While Japan which faces a declining population and immigration barriers, US requires high end skills. Mexico and China mitigates skill gap via higher outlay (7 to 8%) on education. In case of India, which spend 3.8% of its GDP on education and in Brazil the skill shortage are more due education short fall in employability and job skills. Thus, it is important that the Industry and the General Public puts more effort to overcome this shortage.

How does it benefit my company?
Five points you may like to reflect on.
– Employee Productivity: One factor which leads to better employee output is motivation. Our Motivation Workshop elucidates various methods, policies and systems you may adopt.
– Employee Behavior: Long serving employees often become less enthusiastic or take less initiative. They develop resistance to change. Appropriate policies and a performance management system becomes essential, which we help you to implement.
– Recruitment: Developing human resource reduces recruitment difficulties like candidates with high salary expectation while not possessing sufficient skill. HR development also reduces attrition in certain areas.
About Advancea Incorporation
We are a solution provider for Management Training, Consultancy and also Software Services. Besides others, our team includes industry veterans who have worked at top posts in large public sector enterprises and having pre-eminent academic background. Our experience helps us filter our arguments and presentations from a implementability point of view.
